VU Robotics ROS2 documentation

Welcome to VUR’s main documentation site! Here’s the URL: There are three main types of documentation here:

  1. Package Use. The most important part – how to properly use packages and code (how to write a ROS controller, creating a URDF, tuning mapping packages, etc.)

  2. Theory. Theory behind important autonomy and ROS2 concepts (EKF, ChArUco, etc.)

  3. Tutorials. Starter projects to get people introduced to ROS2 and robotics concepts.

Building From Source

  • Install Sphinx.

  • cd docs

  • Install package requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt

  • make html

  • Open index.html in the _build folder, and you’re up and running!


If you added something to the table of contents in index.rst and it is not showing up after you build, run make clean and then make html


Contributing to the ROS2 version of our code requires you to document both your code process and theory. Here’s how our documentation is structured:

  • When documenting a new major package group (e.g. MoveIt), it goes in its own folder.

  • Every time you create a new section/file/anything that should end up on the table of contents, it should be added in index.rst.

  • Our docs are written in ReStructured Text and Markdown.

When you PR into the ROS2 repository, you’ll be expected to have your documentation updated.