Instructions for Navigation Package Launch
The goal of this package is to be able to perform autonomous navigation to a desired goal given a costmap, localization and odometry. This process requires 4 primary nodes. The inputs for autonomous navigation including the costmap, localization and odometry come from the realsense package as described in realsense/launch. The navigation node will be in charge of outputting Twist velocities for the robot in order to successfully navigate through obstacles.
Note will launch the navigation node. However, it doesn’t work without the other realsense and RTAB-Map nodes. These nodes are all grouped together in realsense_nav_launch.xml.
To verify that it works, run rviz2 and add the /map
topic and the coordinate frames map, odom and base_link to the display. You should see an accurate costmap of the environment and the base_link camera moving based on the actual Realsense movement. Next, publish a 2D goal on the display while echoing the /cmd_vel
topic and the navigate_to_pose/_action/status
. The status topic will have a status attribute of 2 while executing the navigation and will have a status attribute of 4 when the goal has been reached.
ros2 launch navigation realsense_nav_launch.xml