Launch Urg Node

Urg Node

The urg_node_driver node within the urg_node package must be run to translate the ethernet lidar signal to a LaserScan (/scan).

ros2 run urg_node urg_node_driver --ros-args --params-file ~/lunabot-ros2/src/lidar_localization/config/urg_node.yaml

If you want to visualize the LaserScan in RVIZ, you need to either set the RVIZ frame to laser or create a static transform from map to laser:

ros2 run tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 "map" "laser"

Once you have the lidar running, you should be able to visualize the point scan in rviz2 by simply runnning rviz2 in a terminal and then selecting to visualize the /scan topic that the urg_node publishes the lidar data to.