Best Practices

This is a guide for best practices to follow when contributing to the repo. Having consistency across a big codebase makes it much easier to maintain and onboard new members


  • Make use of the built in logging capabilities and levels in ROS2.

  • DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL are the levels in ascending order.

  • Add debug statements instead of print statements
    • DEBUG level is not printed to console by default (all other levels are printed by default)

    • To see DEBUG statements add arguments to the node you want debugged in the launch file:

    arguments=['--ros-args', '--log-level', 'debug']
  • Loggers use the node’s name and namespace so its easier to manage debugging sessions with lots of nodes

  • Use rqt_console for easy filtering and exporting of log messages.
    • Exporting log messages to text files is good for keeping a record of errors we run into and sharing them with others for help debugging

Launch Files

  • Use python to launch nodes/components and add complex launch logic

  • Use xml to include other launch files (using python for this is quite messy)

  • Store parameters in a .yaml file in a config folder and load them into your launch file instead of hardcoding parameter values


  • Use descriptive names! or else its very hard to debug weeks or months later

  • For python files variables use snake_case

  • For C++ files variables use camelCase

  • Classes are always PascalCase