************ Parameters ************ The rtabmap node has many parameters that we will be editing throughout the year. Currently, there are 4 main parameters to be concerned about. 1. frame_id=base_link Frame ID represents the coordinate frame for the center of the robot. By ROS REP 105, the naming convention for this frame ID is base_link. 2. subscribe_depth=True This will allow for RTABmap to be subscribed to the depth image. This depth image comes from the Realsense, and will allow for the creation of the map topic. 3. publish_tf=true This parameter is actually used twice. Once in the rtabmap node and another in the rgbd_odom node. In the context of the Rtabmap node, the map->odom transform will be published since rtabmap is the localization node. In the context of the rgbd odom node, the odom->base_link transform will be published since rgbd odom is the odometry node. 4. wait_for_transform_duration=10 This parameter refers to the maximum time that rtabmap will wait for the respective transforms to be published before saying they must be extrapolated.