# Overview of Mechanical Documentation This document provides a high level overview of how to complete documentation for the mechanical team. See the below sections for more information about how to update the Resources, Design Specs, CAD, Presentations, and System Design Review pages. ## Resources Each system should have background resources to facilitate brainstorming, generate inspiration, and support design decisions. Resources should be added with the following method: 1. Link to resource 2. Summary of resource 3. Key points of useful information 4. Which subsystem the resource is most relevant for ## Design Specs The overall design and every piece of hardware should have an explanation of part characteristics. This section is for documenting motor specs, sensor specs, dimensions, design spec requirements, etc. Each spec should also have a short justification for why it was chosen to asist in educating future members about how to make their design decisions. Use charts and diagrams as much as possible along with paragraph explanations for the justifications. ## CAD All CAD will be conducted in SolidWorks. This page is for logging CAD changes between teammates. Each entry should have the title of part, who modified/created the part, where it is on Google Drive, a log of what was edited and why. ## Presentations All presentations should be uploaded to the VURobotics Google Drive. Presentation titles should have dates. This page will log name of presentation, presentation authors, and brief explanation of what the presentation covers. ## System Design Review After every presentation, information should be condensed into a paragraph or two that will eventually be integrated into a System Design Review paper and submitted to NASA. Figures should be included and made to a professional standard.