************ Parameters ************ In order to configure the lidar as we want, there is a yaml parameter file :code:`lidar_localization/config/urg_node.yaml` that is loaded by the urg_node package. All the available parameters are listed below in the format required for ROS2 parameter files (note the urg_node heading and ros__parameters subheading): .. code-block:: yaml urg_node: ros__parameters: ip_address: "" ip_port: 10940 #serial_port: "" # commented because you can't set a param with an empty string serial_baud: 115200 laser_frame_id: laser angle_max: 3.14 angle_min: -3.14 publish_intensity: false publish_multiecho: false calibrate_time: false default_user_latency: 0 diagnostics_tolerance: 0.05 diagnostics_window_time: 5.0 error_limit: 4 get_detailed_status: false cluster: 0 skip: 1 You can reconfigure parameters while the node is launched. For now, you can only reconfigure the following parameters: .. code-block:: bash laser_frame_id error_limit default_user_latency angle_max # upper angle bound of lidar angle_min # lower angle bound of lidar cluster # cluster specified amount of data points together skip # for every data point, skip the specified amount of data points For example, to reconfigure the cluster parameter: .. code-block:: bash ros2 param set /urg_node cluster 1 Localization Parameters There are also parameters stored in :code:`lidar_localization/config/lidar_localization_circle.yaml` for running the lidar localization node: .. code-block:: yaml debug (boolean): Set to True if you want a lot of print statements to debug the program (see what the program is thinking). To make it run faster set it to False. board_radius (double): The true radius to the circle portion of the board. circle_length (double): The true secant length of the circle portion of the board. line_length (double): The true length of the line portion of the board. percent_error_length (double): The maximum percent error that we allow in the fit for the lengths of the circle, line, and interaction of the two. The smaller the value, the more selective (Note: 10% is 0.1). percent_error_radius (double): The maximum percent error that we allow in the fit for the radius of the circle portion of the board. The smaller the value, the more selective (Note: 10% is 0.1). circle_error_cutoff (double): The maximum error we allow in the circle fit for our board (in meters). line_error_cutoff (double): The maximum error we allow in the line fit for our board (in meters). no_averaged_points (integer): The number of points we perform the moving average on to smooth out the localization (but it lags behind the true position with higher numbers)